Mrs. Lynnette Quitugua
School Guidance Counselor

Hafa Adai & Welcome Parents/Guardians,
My name is Lynnette Quitugua and I am the School Guidance Counselor. The counseling program at LBJ Elementary School
is comprised of many components designed to help your child have an enjoyable and successful school year. As your school
counselor, I work with parents and students in many ways providing a variety of services. Each service is aimed at helping
children learn and develop emotionally, socially, and academically.

Character Development
Every Monday LBJ students assemble in K-Square for our Character Education Word of the Month (WOM). The "Words
of the Month" are: Respect, Cooperation, Citizenship, Caring, Gratitude, Self-Control, Fairness, Honesty, Trustworthiness,
and Responsiblity. During the day students will be taught the definition of the WOM and examples of how they can apply
these character values at school and at home. In addition to "WOM" lessons, students will have monthly character projects.
Please check your child's folder daily for the month's project.

Rainbows is a peer support group for students who are experiencing a significant loss in their lives (death, divorce,
separation, single parent homes, deployment of a family member).
The rainbows curricula is designed to provide support and healing in an accepting environment supported by trained, caring,
and compassionate facilitators. The program consists of 12 sessions; facilitators use workbooks, story books, and games
to help students verbalize their feelings.
If you are interested in the program, please ask your child's teacher for a registration form.
Bully Free . . .
We would like LBJ to be a BULLY FREE school. If your child is being bullied,
teach him/her to respond effectively. Teach your child to:
- Say No and Stop;
- Get away to a safe place; and
- Tell an adult who can help
Box Tops for Education . . .
Once again we will be collecting Box Tops for Education to raise funds for our end of the year field trip
(last school year our student went to Cushing Zoo).
What to do:
- Look for products with Box Tops Logo
- Clip Tops and
- Turn Box Tops Labels in to your child's teacher.
Youth Crimewatch Program
YCW is a youth led organization that relies on the principle of good citizenship, where youth take an active
role in helping to keep our school safe.
Youth Crime Watch Members from SY 07-08
Front Row: L to R: Jeremiah Primacio, Aidan Tamayo and Bradly Lubas
Second Row: L to R: Theisen Taimanglo, Sieyenna Gutierrez, Ethan Sanchez,
and Jacob Gombar
Last Row: L to R: Michael Desamito and Richard Carter Jr.
Explore the following websites for helpful tips and activities for kids:
Homework Tips for Parents
Communication Tips for Parents and Kids
Coloring pages and activities for children
PBS fun pages to explore