registration is now ongoing . . .
Parents can pick up a registration packet in the main office.
Space is limited and is on a first come, first served basis.

Department of Education Extended Day Program
Program Goals:
- To provide a high quality after-school
program that supplements the school’s educational program through a combination of structured and enjoyable activities.
- To create a nurturing environment
that promotes a positive home-school relationship.
- To promote physical fitness and
a healthy lifestyle.
- To extend the use of public
school facilities.
Program Design:
- To provide educational enrichment
and supervision for elementary school-age children in grades K-5 in an after school program.
Operational Hours:
- Operate after regular school
hours until 5:00 p.m.
Student Eligibility: To be eligible for DEED, a child must be enrolled in grades kindergarten through fifth
and must be:
- A child of a single-parent/guardian
household where the parent works full time outside the home or is a full time student (four classes or as credit hours): or,
- A child of a two-parent/guardian
household where the parents work full time outside the home or are full time students (four classes or 12 credit hours).
Program Fee:
- A fee of $75.00 per child per quarter
will be charged. Fees are subject to change.
- The payment is non-refundable
once the student begins attending the DEED program classes.
Contact Us:
Lyndon Baines Johnson Elementary School
#140 Felis St.
Tamuning, Guam 96913
Phone Nos. 646-5046/2234
Fax No. 646-5047