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Registration Requirements
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Principal's Message
Kicking it in Kindergarten
Kindergarten Teachers
Fantastic First Graders
First Grade Teachers
Support Programs
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Counselor's Corner
DEED Program
LBJ Angels Quicklinks
Guest Book


GATE Program
Mrs. Solange Prudente

GATE is the Gifted and Telented Educational Program on Guam.  The GATE Elementary program provides enrichment for identified GATE Academic students through a pull out program.  The curriculum for the GATE program develops skills so that it will enable the student to work towards independent study.
The GATE program also has enrichment programs that reach out to all students in school.  At LBJ we have several clubs including a Reading Club, Art Club, and a Science Club. 
Click this link to see the winners of this years science fair that was held on Wed. March 26, 2008 in the school library
Mrs. Nancy Kelley
The Lyndon B. Johnson Elementary School Library is located near the office in an area that is accessible to all students.  Our library houses books, audio-visual equipment, reference materials, and computers to spark the interests and educational needs of our students.  The shelves are stacked with attractive age appropriate materials offering a variety of venues from easy reading materials for the beginning reader, an assortment of non-fiction books about various subjects, to chapter books for the more advanced readers.
The library program puts its main emphasis on literacy be developing in each child a love for books and reading.  Students visit the library with their home room classes once each week where they learn literacy and information skills from a variety of lessons emphasizing listening to stories, learning the location of materials, playing with puppets, experiencing technology, and using audio-visual materials.
LBJ's school library is a valuable resource for its students, teachers, and families.  Students may borrow one book each week.  Teachers may borrow books, materials and equipment to meet the needs of their classroom.  Parents are also welcome to borrow books for their children and to explore the parent information center located in the library.
Ms. Lois Gumataotao/Mrs. Matilda Rivera
Our focus in the ESL Program is to address the needs of English Language Learners (ELLs), whose first language is a language other than English.  We strive to ensure that our student population, which includes a rich diversity in cultures from around the Pacific islands and abroad, attain proficiency in english and meet academic and content standards that all students are expected to meet. 
In the ESL class, the ELLs become active learners of meaning and in making connections and transitions among ideas and elements.
Special Education Resource Room
Mrs. Lolita Siguenza


Chamorro Language and Culture
Sinora Dolores Rojas, Sinora Antonia Salas, Sinora Benita Lizama
The teaching of Chamorro language and culture in Guam's public schools is mandated by Public Law 21-31 for the purpose of:
  1. Promoting, protecting, and perpetuating the language and culture of the indigenous people of Guam, and
  2. Ensuring that the language is a dynamic and living language of communication in all aspects and levels of Guam's society.

There are three Chamorro teachers at LBJ, Sinora D. Rojas, Sinora A. Salas and Sinora B. Lizama.  All three teach both kindergarten and first grade students.  Chamorro teachers work collaboratively and cohesively for more effective and efficient teaching.  Lesson plans are prepared based on the Chamorro Content Standards and Performance Indicators.

Chamorro lessons currently center around four quarterly themes:
  1. Me and My School
  2. Me and My Family
  3. Me and My Community
  4. Me and the Island of Guam.

The biggest event during the school year is the Chamorro Program where every single student participates.

For more information click the link below to see the Chamorro Language and Culture Program Syllabus for school year 2008-2009.

Click to view the Chamorro Language and Culture Syllabus 08-09

Jui-Ying (Lulu) Chen

Contact Us:
Lyndon Baines Johnson Elementary School
#140 Felis St.
Tamuning,  Guam  96913
Phone Nos.  646-5046/2234
Fax No.  646-5047